Saturday 1 November 2014

Fetsu's Himi Store Review! ~

 Hey cuties! 
So today I come to you with a super cute review! 
From a wonderful store on Storenvy which is known as 
 Himi Store! 
Himi Store sent me an email asking if I would review one of their products which I said yes too! 
But like a lot of products lately the review is late due to me moving house u-u 
But it is finally here! hehe >w<

So Himi Store have sent me this super cute little 
♡ Blue Gingham Soft Sisters Set 
When I saw this I almost sobbed. I'm not even kidding! 
This set is so so freaking cute it is unreal! 
But when I saw it I was very worried the top would not fit as it looks pretty small to me ; 3; 

Top Price :- $33.99
Short Price :- $33.99
Colour Options :- Pink / Blue 
Waist :- 60 - 90 cm 
Bust :- 90 - 100 cm
Length :- 39 - 47 cm

 Okay so here is a picture of the blouse worn! 
Unfortunately for me this blouse does not fit me at all. 
I thought it would as the max stretch is 100cm and im 94 cm ish~
And I struggled to wear this u-u 
I could get it on to take photos but I don't think I could wear this out. 
Also I feel that this outfit is FAR too revealing for myself hence why I will not be showing the outfit worn together 
as I do not feel to comfortable with doing that sadly u -u 
But! I'm pretty sure if you were a smaller size than me on the chest then you will be fine!
The quality of this is really nice! And is very well put together! 
But its not personally to my taste as I personally felt like I was kinda wearing under wear haha ;w ; 
Very cute! Just not on me sadly u-u 


Hehe! Now onto the bloomers @w@ I like the bloomers haha! 
They're so so soft and comfy to wear!
I love bloomers because due to my height skirts can be rather short on me
So bloomers help out loads with this! 
And i've also needed a blue pair for ages! 
So theses are beyond amazing! Eeeeek! >w<
I honestly can't express how much I love these!
They're so cute and dolly like! I feel these will go perfect with lolita and fairy kei! 
And I also like wearing these with just basic cute outfits if i'm honest :o 
These are nice and lightweight and easy to wear, 
But also have great coverage so you shouldn't be able to see your pantys though them hehe! 
These fit me perfectly and i honestly really want the pink pair! hehe >w<

Thankies ever so so much Himi Store for sending me this ultra cute set!
I'm rather happy with the items! Maybe as I lose more weight I should lose some boob too - w- 
Then I can totally rock that blouse 8D
I think everyone should totally check out their super amazing store I bet you will love it!! 
And if you do buy anything let me know and show me photo! O 3O 
Thankies ever so much for reading cuties !~


  1. Que hermoso.. me gustaria saber de donde compras esas ropas tan lindas

  2. ahwwww!! Is SUUUUUPER CUTE!! I love himi fashion clothing SO MUCH!
